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Issues at McClean Lake Mine - Saskatchewan, Canada

(last updated 4 Jan 2025)

McClean Lake (Saskatchewan)

> View McClean Lake mine and mill details
> View McArthur to McClean project (Areva)


Contaminated uranium slurry transport container received at Cigar Lake mine

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Ammonia release at McClean Lake uranium mill

On October 3rd [2024], ammonia was released into the strip cells area of SX2. The area alarms activated and operators quickly identified the hazard and left the area. Operators donned respirators and stopped the ammonia release by remotely closing the valve from the control room. No exposures were identified.
The ammonia flow was stopped and the upstream valve was closed and locked out. The area was partitioned with danger tape and ventilated. There are no effects on the environment, health or safety. Federal and provincial regulators were notified. An investigation is on-going and a follow up report will be submitted to regulatory agencies. (Orano Oct. 8, 2024)

Leak of hot ferric solution at McClean Lake uranium mill

On Mar. 25, 2024, while contractors were working on repairs to ferric reactor #1, a leak of hot ferric solution was noticed on ferric reactor #2, which was recently repaired. Steam and ferric discharged from the pressurized vessel. Workers relieved the pressure and the area was barricaded and ventilated. There were no effects on the environment and no injuries. (Orano Mar. 28, 2024)

Ammonia leak at McClean Lake uranium mill

On Jan. 31, 2024, during an ammonia offload, a high-level sensor on the tank that was being filled caused automatic emergency valves to close. The closed valves caused pressure to build and the pressure safety valves released gaseous ammonia for a short period of time. All process safety equipment controls functioned as designed. Gas monitors in the area detected the ammonia and activated the evacuation alarms. The operator was wearing appropriate PPE [personal protective equipment] and no exposures were identified. (Orano Feb. 1, 2024)

Restart planned for McClean Lake uranium mine after 15-year hiatus

On Jan. 24, 2024, Orano Canada Inc. and Denison Mines Corp., as joint-venture partners in the McClean Lake Joint Venture (MLJV), announced that the MLJV has approved a restart of uranium mining operations using the joint venture's patented Surface Access Borehole Resource Extraction (SABRE) mining method.
Mining is planned to commence at the McClean North deposit in 2025, with 2024 activities expected to focus on preparations necessary to ready the existing SABRE mining site and equipment for continuous commercial operations, as well as the installation of eight pilot holes for the first mining cavities planned for excavation.
Approximately 800,000 lbs U3O8 [308 t U] (100% basis) are targeted for production from McClean North in 2025, with approximately 3,000,000 lbs U3O8 [1,154 t U] (100% basis) identified for potential additional production from a combination of the McClean North and Caribou deposits during the years 2026 to 2030.
[Mining operations at the McClean Lake mine had ended in 2009, while the McClean Lake mill continued to process ore slurry trucked from the Cigar Lake mine.]

Ammonia leak at McClean Lake uranium mill

On January 1, 2024, a leak was discovered at "A" ammonia vaporizer at McClean Lake operation. Orano staff were wearing appropriate PPE [Personal Protective Equipment] and no exposures were identified. (Orano Jan. 2, 2024)

Contaminated trailer shipped offsite from McClean Lake uranium mill

On November 26, 2023, a contractor trailer was released from the McClean Lake site after being scanned and found to be above the criteria for total measurable contamination. The incident was caused by miscommunication between workers and shipping procedures not being correctly followed. The trailer was identified at the Orano controlled transit warehouse in Saskatoon and stopped from further travel.
The trailer was sent back to McClean Lake for cleaning. (Orano Dec. 20, 2023)

Contaminated uranium slurry transport container received at Cigar Lake mine

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Contaminated uranium slurry transport container received at Cigar Lake mine

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Spill at McClean Lake uranium mill

A leak was discovered on a section of the Sink Lake discharge line within the bermed area of the McClean Lake site. The line carries treated effluent to Sink Lake. It is estimated that 126 m3 was discharged. (Orano Apr. 23, 2023)

Ammonia leak at McClean Lake uranium mill

On August 2, 2022, a leak of anhydrous ammonia occurred from a section of piping feeding vapourizer "A". Gaseous ammonia was detected by the monitors in the area. The shutoff valves closed immediately and automatically stopping the flow as per the system design. (Orano Aug. 16, 2022)

Ammonia leak at McClean Lake uranium mill

On July 27, 2022, Orano employees were working on the ammonia piping system and shutoff valves to ammonia storage tanks A and C at the McClean Lake operation. During a pre-test inspection, the workers turned the valves and noticed the start of an ammonia release. The workers immediately alerted everyone in the area and closed the valves. (Orano July 28, 2022)

Sedimentation pond leak at McClean Lake uranium mill

On May 27, 2022, during cleaning of a sedimentation pond at the Sue Water Treatment Plant, tears in the liner on the bottom of the pond became visible. Sampling showed that some material from the pond was released through the liner to mix with spring runoff. Results indicated elevated concentrations of contaminants of concern. Approximately 120 m3 of water and solids have been pumped out from under the pond for treatment and the liner has been repaired. (Orano June 3, 2022)

Tailings spill at McClean Lake uranium mill

On February 10, 2022, approximately 5 m3 of tailings was released from a hole in the exterior wall of the tails thickener tank at the McClean Lake operation. Approximately 15% of the material remained within secondary containment and the remainder was discharged to the mill terrace. (Orano Feb. 14, 2022)

Contaminated uranium slurry transport container received at Cigar Lake mine

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Two contaminated uranium slurry transport containers received at Cigar Lake mine

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Release of radioactive material at McClean Lake uranium mill

The calciner gas wash system was restarted after routine cleaning. Material had loosened during the cleaning process and was discharged from the calciner stack. Approximately 0.7 m3 of radioactive material reported to the mill terrace in the immediate vicinity of the calciner building. There were no workers in the area at the time of the discharge. (Orano Dec. 1, 2021)

Spill of tailings reclaim water at McClean Lake uranium mill

On Nov. 23, 2021, due to an equipment failure on the TMF [Tailings Management Facility] reclaim water pipeline, inside the TMF pumphouse, reclaim water filled the secondary containment area and started flowing outside of the pumphouse. Approximately 10 m3 of reclaim water was discharged around the pumphouse. (Orano Nov. 29, 2021)

Test of non-entry underground SABRE mining method successfully completed at McClean Lake uranium mine

On Nov. 3, 2021, Orano Canada Inc., and Denison Mines Corp., as joint-venture partners in the McClean Lake Joint Venture, reported the successful completion of a five-year test mining program deploying the patented Surface Access Borehole Resource Extraction ("SABRE") mining method on the McClean Lake property.
The final stage of a five-year field test was completed from May to September 2021 with four mining cavities successfully excavated to produce approximately 1,500 tonnes of high-value ore ranging in grade from 4% U3O8 to 11% U3O8.
SABRE is the culmination of a mining equipment invention and development initiative that began in 2004. It is a non-entry, surface-based mining method that uses a high-pressure water jet placed at the bottom of a drill hole to excavate a mining cavity. The cuttings from the excavation process are then air lifted to surface, separated and stockpiled. SABRE is viewed as an innovative mining method that could potentially allow for the economic access to relatively small high-grade orebodies in the Athabasca Basin that are either too small or too deep to be mined economically by open-pit and/or underground mining methods.

> See also: CNSC approves Cogéma's Mining Equipment Development (MED) Program at McClean Lake uranium mine

Dangerous occurrence at McClean Lake uranium mill

On Dec. 19, 2020, Orano Canada reported a "Dangerous Occurrence" that happened on December 14, 2020: While one of the secondary leach tanks at the McClean Lake operation was bypassed for maintenance, the air system feeding to that tank was also mistakenly bypassed, leading to a potential unsafe condition. The air system was returned to service a couple of hours later and worked as expected to respond to elevated hydrogen levels in the tank.

Production suspended again at Cigar Lake uranium mine and McClean Lake mill

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JEB Tailings Management Facility Expansion Project at McClean Lake (2020)

CNSC to hold hearing on license amendment for further expansion of JEB Tailings Management Facility at McClean Lake

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) will hold a one-part public hearing on October 4, 2021, to consider an application from Orano Canada Inc. (Orano) to amend its uranium mine operating licence for the expansion of the JEB Tailings Management Facility (TMF) at the McClean Lake Operation.
Orano is seeking approval to expand the JEB TMF to a consolidated tailings elevation of 462 metres above sea level (mASL), up from 448 mASL, in order to ensure that there is adequate tailings capacity in the future. The proposed expansion will be achieved through the continued construction of an engineered embankment and the placement of a bentonite-amended crushed waste rock liner.
Requests to intervene must be filed by August 16, 2021 (Date changed).
> Download: Notice of Public Hearing and Participant Funding , Feb. 1, 2021 (PDF)
> Download: Revised Notice of Public Hearing and Participant Funding , Feb. 26, 2021 (PDF)
> Download: Revised Notice of Public Hearing and Participant Funding , Jul. 26, 2021 (PDF)
> Download: Revised Public Hearing Agenda , Sep. 16, 2021 (PDF)
> Download: Hearing Transcript (PDF)
> Download: Hearing Submissions (25.7MB ZIP Archive)

On Jan. 17, 2022, CNSC announced the approval of the expansion of the JEB Tailings Management Facility.
> View: CNSC release Jan. 17, 2022 (PDF)
> Download: Record of Decision , Jan. 12, 2022 (PDF)

Orano requests approval of further capacity increase of JEB Tailings Management Facility at McClean Lake

Orano is requesting CNSC approval of "disposal of tailings in the JEB Tailings Management Facility (JEB TMF) up to a consolidated tailings elevation of 462 meters above sea level (mASL), which is the approximate elevation of the naturally occurring high side of the pit" [The currently permitted tailings elevation is 448 meters above sea level].
> Download: McClean Lake Operation - Application to Amend Uranium Mine Operation Licence (UMOL-MINEMILL-McClean.01/2027) - JEB Tailings Management Facility Expansion (TMF) Project , Orano letter to CNSC, June 16, 2020 (49kB PDF)

> See also: JEB Tailings Management Facility Expansion Project at McClean Lake (2012)


Major acid spill at mothballed McClean Lake uranium mill

While shutdown on July 11th, 2020 the main pipeline carrying acid from the bulk storage tank to the mill began leaking. It was not possible to safely access the area to isolate the tank, therefore the entire contents of the tank reported to secondary containment, or a concrete berm designed to capture such a release.
After recovery of the acid from the berm, pipes, and tank and the area was neutralized, the berm was cleaned. On August 19th, 2020 during inspection of the berm, two small holes were found in the concrete of the berm, which may have allowed acid to discharge to the environment. The berm is being repaired and the incident investigated. Provincial and federal regulators were notified of the incident.
While effects on the environment are predicted to be negligible, nearby groundwater wells are being monitored and downstream wells are also being sampled. An estimate of potential release is being developed. (Orano, Aug. 26, 2020)

Production suspended at world's largest-producing uranium mine Cigar Lake and McClean Lake mill

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CNSC renews license for Areva's McClean Lake uranium mine and mill

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) held a public hearing on June 7-8, 2017, to consider an application from AREVA Resources Canada Inc. (AREVA) for a 12-year renewal of its Uranium Mine Operating Licence for the McClean Lake Operation. This operation is located in northern Saskatchewan, approximately 750 km north of Saskatoon.
The current licence authorizes AREVA's McClean Lake Operation to produce up to 10,909,090 kg of uranium concentrate per year, along with associated operations. Additionally, the current licence authorizes AREVA to process uranium ore slurry from Cameco Corporation's Cigar Lake Operation, also located in northern Saskatchewan. The McClean Lake licence expires June 30, 2017.
Requests to intervene must be filed with the Commission Secretariat by April 21, 2017.
> Download: Notice of Public Hearing and Participant Funding , Oct. 14, 2016 (PDF)
> Download: Revised Notice of Public Hearing , May 18, 2017 (PDF)
> Download: Revised Public Hearing Agenda , May 25, 2017 (PDF)

On June 29, 2017, CNSC announced its decision to renew AREVA's Uranium Mine Operating Licence for the McClean Lake Operation for a 10-year period.
> View CNSC release June 29, 2017
> Download Hearing Transcript: June 7, 2017 (757kB PDF) · June 8, 2017 (493kB PDF)
> Download Summary Record of Decision (363kB PDF)


McClean underground uranium mine project stays on hold

Due to low uranium prices, the Midwest and McClean underground projects will continue to remain on stand-by in 2014. (Denison Mines Mar. 6, 2014)


Milling of Midwest ore at McClean Lake mill

> View here


Areva wins legal case against Saskatchewan over royalties for McClean Lake uranium mine

> View here


JEB Tailings Management Facility Expansion Project at McClean Lake (2012)

Federal environmental assessment cancelled for JEB Tailings Management Facility Expansion Project at McClean Lake, as a result of change in legislation

On July 6, 2012, the new Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 came into effect, changing the requirements for "low-risk" environmental assessments (EAs). As a result, the EAs underway on these projects are no longer required under the former CEA Act, and the assessment of the proposed expansion of Areva Resources' McClean Lake uranium tailings facility was cancelled.
> View EAs transitioning to Nuclear Safety and Control Act (NSCA) (CNSC)

CNSC starts Environmental Assessment on JEB Tailings Management Facility Expansion Project

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) has received a project description from AREVA Resources Canada's (AREVA) for a licence amendment to expand the JEB Tailings Management Facility (TMF) at the McClean Lake Operation.
AREVA is proposing to expand the existing JEB TMF to increase the storage volume for tailings generated from milling activities. The project includes the construction of an embankment around the JEB TMF perimeter and placement of a processed waste rock/till bentonite amended liner to contain the pond. The proposed expansion would increase the elevation of the stored tailings from 434 metres above sea level (m ASL) to 465.5 m ASL. Further, the expansion would add approximately 4.5 million cubic meter of additional tailings capacity. It is estimated that this increased tailings management capacity will expand the useable life span of the existing JEB TMF by 25 years, based on current mining predictions.
(CNSC Jan. 12, 2012)
> View JEB Tailings Management Facility Expansion Project (CNSC)


Forest fires near McClean Lake uranium mine and mill

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) is tracking the status of forest fires in the area of Cameco Corporation's Rabbit Lake and AREVA Resources Inc.'s McClean Lake uranium mining and milling operations in Northern Saskatchewan. There is no safety risk at the present time but Cameco and AREVA are taking precautionary measures in accordance with their emergency response plans. (CNSC Aug. 4, 2010)


Processing of McArthur River ore at the McClean Lake mill

CNSC approves Areva's license application for processing of McArthur River ore at McClean Lake

Following a public hearing held on October 24, 2012, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) announced on Dec. 20, 2012, its decision to amend the operating licence for Areva's McClean Lake Operation located in northern Saskatchewan. This amended licence authorizes Areva to: > Download Notice of Public Hearing, Aug. 16, 2012 (PDF)
> Download Revised Notice of Public Hearing, Aug. 21, 2012 (PDF)
> Download Hearing Transcript Oct. 24, 2012 (PDF)
> View CNSC release Dec. 20, 2012
> Download Record of Proceedings, including Reasons for Decision

CNSC approves EA Screening Report for processing of McArthur River ore at McClean Lake mill

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) will hold a hearing in March to consider the proposed Environmental Assessment Screening Report (EASR) for AREVA's proposed project for the receipt and processing of McArthur River ore slurry at the McClean Lake Operation located in northern Saskatchewan.
CNSC staff recommends the Commission to approve the EASR for the proposed project, which includes the operation of the high grade ore slurry receiving area and high grade milling circuits and the processing of ore slurry from the McArthur River mine.
The Commission has determined that a public hearing is not necessary to consider the proposed EASR. The hearing will be conducted by way of written submissions from CNSC staff and AREVA.
> Download Notice of Hearing, March 27, 2012 (PDF - CNSC)

On April 19, 2012, CNSC approved the EA Screening Report.
> Download Record of Proceedings, including Reasons for Decision, April 19, 2012 (PDF - CNSC)

Public comments invited on EIS, Technical Review Comments and EA Screening Report for proposed receipt and processing of McArthur River ore at McClean Lake mill

The public is invited to provide comments on the Environmental Impact Statement, addendums, Technical Review Comments and the Draft Environmental Assessment Screening Report.
Written comments should be submitted by August 26, 2011.
> Download Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment Public Notice July 21, 2011 (69k PDF - CEAA)

EIS for processing of McArthur River ore at the McClean Lake mill submitted to regulators

On January 19, 2011, Areva Resources Canada announced that it has submitted its Environmental Impact Statement for the Receipt and Processing of McArthur River Ore Slurry at the McClean Lake Operation Project to the Federal and Provincial regulators on January 10, 2011.
"The Project is intended to provide the McClean Lake Operation with uranium ore slurry from the McArthur River Mine for milling for up to three years. The amount of uranium ore slurry proposed to be transported annually is up to approximately 14,000 cubic metres (m3), resulting in an equivalent annual production of up to 3 million pounds (lbs) (1.4 million kilograms [kg]) uranium concentrate (U3O8)."
"The McArthur River Mine site is geographically located approximately 100 km southwest of the McClean Lake Operation, although road access between the two sites is less direct, covering a circuitous 980 km route, primarily via provincial highways 914, 165, 2, and 102/905."
> Download Environmental Impact Statement:

Environmental assessment started on receipt and processing of McArthur River ore at the McClean Lake mill

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) has received a project description from AREVA to transport, receive and process high grade ore from McArthur River Mine at the McClean Lake Operation located in northern Saskatchewan. No construction activities are associated with this project.
CNSC authorization is required for AREVA to receive and process high grade ore from McArthur River at the McClean Lake site. This requires an amendment to AREVA's Uranium Mine Construction Licence, pursuant to subsection 24(2) of the Nuclear Safety and Control Act (NSCA).
Before the Commission may consider a decision on licensing under the NSCA regarding Cameco's proposal, a screening level environmental assessment (EA) must be completed in compliance with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. (CNSC Mar. 5, 2010)

> View Receipt and Processing of McArthur River Ore at the McClean Lake Operation, Project (CNSC)

> Download documents: 2010-007, AREVA - Receipt & Processing of McArthur River Ore at McClean Lake Operation (Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment)

A draft Project-Specific Guidelines Scoping Document has been prepared. Public comments are due by July 27, 2010.

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) held a hearing in October to consider the approval of the Guidelines Scoping Document for AREVA Resources Canada Inc.'s (AREVA) proposed project for the receipt and processing of McArthur River Ore at the McClean Lake Operation located in northern Saskatchewan. The proposed project is for the production of uranium ore concentrate at McClean Lake from McArthur River ore slurry over a three-year period. This project includes the transportation of ore from McArthur River to McClean Lake.
The Commission has determined that a public hearing is not necessary to consider the proposed Guidelines Scoping Document for AREVA's project. There is no opportunity for the public to participate. The hearing was conducted by way of written submissions from CNSC staff and AREVA.
During the hearing held on Oct. 21, 2010, CNSC approved the Environmental Assessment Guidelines Scoping Document "Receipt and Processing of McArthur River Ore at the McClean Lake Operation Project".
> Download Notice of Hearing, Oct. 13, 2010 (PDF)
> Download Record of Proceedings, including Reasons for Decision (PDF)

Areva considers trucking ore from McArthur River mine to keep McClean Lake mill operating

Areva Resources Canada Inc. is considering trucking ore 920 kilometres from the McArthur River uranium mine to be processed at its McClean Lake mill. The plan, which has not yet reached the proposal stage, would keep operations at Areva's 70 per cent owned McClean Lake facility going while it waits for ore from Cameco Corp.'s Cigar Lake deposit, said Areva spokesperson Alun Richards. Ore from McArthur River, which is 30.2 per cent owned by Areva, is milled at the nearby Key Lake facility.
Uranium mining at the McClean Lake operation ended in January, leaving the specialized facility without a nearby ore resource. The mill is set to process ore from Cigar Lake, in which it has a 31.7 per cent share -- a plan that has been delayed after flooding at the mine pushed operations back by several years.
At the moment, the plan is to ship about three million pounds of uranium ore slurry in special trucks and containers from McArthur to McClean until Cigar Lake comes on stream. According to Cameco, 13.1 million pounds of U3O8 [5038 t U] is set to be mined from McArthur River and Key Lake in 2009. (The StarPhoenix Aug. 14, 2009)


McClean Lake mill to be shut down in mid-2010

Areva Resources Canada Inc. announced plans Tuesday (Dec. 15) to shut down production at its McClean Lake uranium mill in northern Saskatchewan in July 2010. A company spokesperson said Tuesday afternoon yellowcake production at the McClean Lake operation is being ceased because the mill will run out of ore to process by July.
The mill, which has been in operation since 1999, was designed to handle high-grade ore from the nearby Cameco Corp.-operated Cigar Lake project. Cigar Lake, which is 37 per cent-owned by Areva, was set to enter production earlier this decade, but was set back by flooding in 2006 and 2008. Although the dewatering process is continuing at the site, which is the world's largest undeveloped high-grade uranium deposit, there is no indication of when production will begin at Cigar Lake. Additionally, mining operations at the McClean Lake mine all but ended in January. Work on the nearby, joint-ventured Areva/Denison Mines Inc. Midwest and Caribou deposits, meanwhile, remains postponed due to market conditions. Areva says the mill re-start date will depend on market conditions and the Cigar Lake mine schedule. (The Star Phoenix Dec. 15, 2009)


Athabasca Regional Government challenges license renewal for McClean Lake mine and mill

The Athabasca Regional Government (ARG), which is comprised of three First Nations and four provincial communities from the Athabasca Basin, launched a judicial review of CNSC's decision to grant the McClean Lake operating licence. The ARG are challenging the legality of the new licence, primarily on the basis of issues related to the Federal and Provincial governments' duty to consult with Aboriginal people. (Denison Mines Corp. Aug. 12, 2009)

On September 22, 2010, the Federal Court of Canada released its decision in the matter of an application by the Athabasca Regional Government (ARG) for judicial review of the decision by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission to renew AREVA's McClean Lake uranium mine and mill operating licence. The Honourable Mr. Justice Russell dismissed the application. The ARG had raised a number of issues relating to the insufficiency of Aboriginal consultation and the legal authority of the Commission to fulfill the duty to consult on behalf of the federal government.
The Court determined that the Commission had the authority in accordance with its legislation to deal with Aboriginal consultation on behalf of the Crown and that such issues properly fell within the Commission's statutory mandate and expertise in accordance with section 35 of the Constitution Act (1982). (CNSC Sep. 24, 2010)
> View Federal Court Decision 2010 FC 948, Sep. 22, 2010

On Monday, March 5, 2012 in the matter of Fond du Lac Denesuline First Nation et al. v. the Attorney General of Canada and AREVA Resources Canada Inc. the Federal Court of Appeal, in a decision from the Bench, dismissed the appeal of a number of groups in Northern Saskatchewan who alleged certain breaches of the Crown's duty to consult with Aboriginal peoples in relation to AREVA's 2009 McClean Lake uranium mine licensing hearing to renew its operating licence.
> View CNSC release Mar. 8, 2012
> View/Download Federal Court of Appeal decision on Fond du Lac Denesuline First Nation et al. v. the Attorney General of Canada and AREVA Resources Canada Inc., 2012 FCA 73


McClean Lake mill faces temporary shutdown until Cigar Lake mine operable

Areva Resources Canada Inc. is on the hunt for new sources of uranium ore to be milled at its McClean Lake facility after mining operations at the site all but ended in January.
Ore from the Cigar Lake mine -- in which Areva has a 37 per cent share -- is set to travel to McClean Lake by road; however, there is no set date for when that ore will become available. In August 2008, water inundated the Cigar Lake mine while work was being done to dewater the site after a flood in 2006. Flooding at the site pushed back production at the mine which, before the 2006 flood, was expected to come into production in 2007. After the incident last summer, Cameco officials said production may come onstream in 2011 at the earliest. (The StarPhoenix June 18, 2009)


Licence renewal for McClean Lake and Midwest

Following a two day public hearing (Feb. 18/Apr. 30, 2009 - date revised), the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) announced its decision to renew AREVA Resources Canada Inc. (AREVA) Uranium Mine Operating Licence for the McClean Lake Operation located in Northern Saskatchewan, for a period of eight years.The licence will be valid from July 1, 2009 until June 30, 2017. The Commission also decided to revoke AREVA's Midwest Uranium Site Preparation Licence and to include it in McClean Lake licence.
> Download Notice of Public Hearing, Dec. 18, 2008 (PDF)
> Download Revised Notice of Public Hearing, Feb. 13, 2009 (PDF)
> Download Hearing Transcript Feb. 18, 2009 (PDF)
> Download Hearing Transcript Apr. 30, 2009 (PDF)
> View CNSC release June 30, 2009
> Download Record of Proceedings, including Reasons for Decision (PDF)


Mining of the Caribou ore body at McClean Lake

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) will hold a hearing in April 2010 to consider the approval of the Screening Report for AREVA Resources Canada Inc. (AREVA)'s proposed Caribou Project located at the McClean Lake Operation in northern Saskatchewan. The purpose of the project is to extend the mining and milling activities at the McClean Lake Operation. The proposed activities are to mine the Caribou ore deposit, transport the ore to its existing mill, process the ore to produce yellowcake (a form of uranium), and manage the waste water, waste rock and tailings resulting from these activities. The Commission has determined that a public hearing is not necessary to consider AREVA's request in this case. There is no opportunity for the public to participate. The hearing will be conducted by way of written submissions from CNSC staff and AREVA.
> Download Notice of Hearing, March 31, 2010 (PDF - CNSC)
> Download Record of Proceedings, including Reasons for Decision (PDF)
> Download ERRATUM - AREVA Resources Canada Inc. - Environmental Assessment Screening Report for the proposed Caribou Project at McClean Lake (PDF)

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) invites public comment on the Screening Report concerning the environmental assessment of the Caribou uranium mining project. The Screening Report is based on an Environmental Impact Statement prepared by AREVA Resources Canada Inc.
The public comment period ends on May 5, 2009.
> View Continuation of mining and milling at McClean Lake Operation: Development of Caribou deposit (CNSC)
> Download Request for Comment, April 2, 2009 (PDF - CNSC)
> View Public Participation Notice, April 1, 2009 (CEAA)

Areva halts mining of Caribou ore body at McClean Lake: Areva Resources Canada Inc. said on March 19, 2009, it has started issuing permanent layoff notices to employees at its McClean Lake property and its corporate office in Saskatoon. The company decided it is not economical to move forward with mining the Caribou deposit at McClean Lake, resulting in the dismissal of the employees, said Areva spokesperson Alun Richards. The company will continue milling of stockpiled ore, though. (Saskatoon Star Phoenix Mar. 20, 2009)

> Download Caribou Environmental Impact Statement, August 2008 (Areva Resources)

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), after holding a one-day hearing (October 31, 2007), approved the Environmental Assessment (EA) Guidelines regarding AREVA Resources Canada Inc.'s (AREVA) proposal to amend its existing licence for the McClean Lake Operation, located in McClean Lake, Saskatchewan, to include a new ore body known as the Caribou.
> Download Notice of Hearing Aug. 8, 2007 (PDF)
> Download Hearing Transcript Oct. 31, 2007 (PDF)
> View CNSC release December 11, 2007
> Download Record of Proceedings, including Reasons for Decision (PDF)

AREVA Resources Canada Inc. is proposing to mine the new Caribou ore body at their approved McClean Lake Uranium Development. AREVA proposes to mine Caribou as an open pit and utilize the existing JEB mill, JEB tailings management and water management facilities to process the ore and manage solid and liquid wastes.
> View Saskatchewan Environment EA notices
> Download Areva's Project Proposal, Dec. 2006 (17M PDF)
> Download Draft - Project Specific Guidelines for the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement, July 2007 (PDF)
> Download Public Notice, July 28, 2007 (PDF)
> View CNSC: Environmental Assessment: Continuation of mining and milling at McClean Lake Operation: Development of Caribou deposit
> View CNSC Request for Public Input into the Draft Project-Specific Guidelines


Lower production estimates announced for McClean Lake mine

On May 16, 2007, Denison Mines Corp. announced that AREVA Resources Canada Inc., the operator of the McClean Lake Joint Venture has provided an updated estimate of 2007 production of 1.8 million pounds of U3O8 [692 t U], a reduction from the previously reported level of 2.2 million to 3 million pounds [846 - 1154 t U]. According to Denison, the reduction in estimated 2007 production is a result of delays in obtaining regulatory approval and implementing planned mill modifications to increase leaching capacity, later than expected completion of revisions to the tailings distribution system and the suspension of further jet boring drilling at the McClean North deposit.


Serious production setback at McClean Lake mine

"The McClean Lake Joint Venture produced 455,000 pounds of uranium [175 t U] during the three months ended September 30, 2006 compared with 1,532,000 pounds [589 t U] during the same period in 2005. [...] Production for the first nine months of the year has been well below our expectations due to lower grade ore feed, the absence of higher grade ore from the blind boring/jet boring operations, reduced throughput caused by variances in the arsenic concentration of the ore feed that resulted in elevated temperatures in the leach circuit and a shortage of reagents due to road closures caused by forest fires. [...] Average mill feed grade for the third quarter 2006 was 0.58% U3O8 compared to 1.73% U3O8 for the comparable 2005 period." (Denison Nov. 9, 2006)


Ferric Sulphate Production Project at McClean Lake

Following a hearing on October 25, 2006, in Ottawa, Ontario, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) announced its conclusion that AREVA's proposed project to install and operate a ferric sulphate production circuit at the McClean Lake Operation located in Northern Saskatchewan, taking into account identified mitigation measures, is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. The project involves the production of liquid ferric sulphate from iron ore transported to the McClean Lake site.
> Download Notice of Hearing, Oct. 20, 2006 (PDF)
> Download Hearing Transcript, Environmental Assessment Screening, Oct. 25, 2006 (PDF)
> View CNSC release April 11, 2007
> Download Record of Proceedings, Including Reasons for Decision, Oct. 25, 2006 (PDF)

COGEMA Resources Inc. has proposed to produce liquid ferric sulphate (Fe2(SO4)3) at McClean Lake from iron ore imported to site, which would replace the current practice of purchasing ferric sulphate commercially and transporting it to the mine site. Ferric sulphate is used in the mill to remove dissolved arsenic in the tailings' pore water prior to discharge to the Tailings Management Facility, and in the treatment of effluent prior to discharge from water treatment plants. Before CNSC makes its decision on the proposal, an environmental assessment (EA) must be completed. The EA was started on Feb. 8, 2006.
CNSC held a closed (!) hearing on March 30, 2006.
On June 2, 2006, CNSC approved the guidelines for an environmental assessment.

> View CNSC Project Description
> Download Notice of Hearing, March 23, 2006 (PDF)
> Download Hearing Transcript March 30, 2006 (PDF)
> View CNSC release June 2, 2006
> Download Record of Proceedings, Including Reasons for Decision, June 2, 2006 (PDF)


CNSC approves Cogéma's Mining Equipment Development (MED) Program at McClean Lake

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), after holding a one-day public hearing on March 30, 2006, approved an application by COGEMA Resources Inc. (COGEMA) to extend the scope of its Mining Equipment Development (MED) Program at the McClean Lake Uranium Mine and Mill Operation in Northern Saskatchewan.
The MED program is a small-scale mining test program to determine the suitability of using specialized equipment on surface to extract ore from underground deposits.

> Download Notice of Public Hearing, Jan. 18, 2006 (PDF)
> Download Updated Hearing Agenda, March 23, 2006 (PDF)
> Download Hearing Transcript March 30, 2006 (PDF)
> View CNSC release May 26, 2006
> Download Record of Proceedings, Including Reasons for Decision, May 26, 2006 (PDF)

> See also: Test of non-entry underground SABRE mining method successfully completed at McClean Lake uranium mine


Processing of McClean Lake uranium-rich solutions at Rabbit Lake mill

> View details


Expansion of the JEB Mill at McClean Lake to receive and process Cigar Lake ore

McClean Lake uranium mill obtains regulatory authorization for 85% production increase to accommodate Cigar Lake mine production ramp-up

On May 27, 2016, the McClean Lake mill operated by Areva obtained the authorization to increase its production of uranium (U3O8) from 13 to 24 million pounds per year (5,000 to 9,231 t U/a) by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC).
This regulatory approval by the CNSC will lead to a progressive ramp-up of the mill in line with the Cigar Lake mine's ramp-up to 18 million pounds annually (6,923 t U/a). (Areva Resources May 31, 2016)

Areva to request increase of licensed annual production limit for McClean Lake mill to cover planned production rise from Cameco's Cigar Lake mine

On Jan. 6, 2016, Cameco announced that the Cigar Lake operation is expected to produce 16 million packaged pounds of uranium concentrate (U3O8) [6,154 t U] in 2016 (Cameco's share 8 million pounds).
Ore from the Cigar Lake mine is milled and packaged at the McClean Lake operation which is majority owned and operated by AREVA Resources Canada Inc.
The McClean Lake mill's operating licence has a current annual production limit of 13 million pounds [5,000 t U]. AREVA plans to submit an application to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission to increase the mill's licensed annual production limit. Full achievement of the 2016 production outlook for Cigar Lake is subject to securing regulatory approvals necessary to increase mill production.

McClean Lake mill produces first uranium concentrate from ore mined at Cigar Lake mine

On Oct. 8, 2014, Cameco announced that the McClean Lake mill has started producing uranium concentrate from ore mined at the Cigar Lake operation in northern Saskatchewan.
The McClean Lake mill, operated by AREVA Resources Canada Inc., recently completed modifications required to safely process the [undiluted] high-grade ore from the Cigar Lake mine. Cigar Lake ore is transported by truck to the McClean Lake mill located 70 kilometres northeast of the minesite for processing. The mill is expected to produce up to 1 million pounds of uranium concentrate [385 t U] from Cigar Lake ore in 2014 and ramp up to its full production rate of 18 million pounds [6,923 t U] by 2018.

Processing of Cigar Lake ore at McClean Lake mill to start with delay

AREVA has advised Cameco that it has determined that further mill modifications are required and that the mill is expected to begin processing Cigar Lake ore by the end of the second quarter of 2014. (Cameco Sep. 9, 2013)

McClean Lake mill obtains license for processing of Cigar Lake ore

On January 9, 2013, Areva Resources Canada Inc. announced it has received a licence amendment for its McClean Lake operation in northern Saskatchewan from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission's (CNSC) allowing for processing of high-grade ore from the Cigar Lake mine, expected to begin operations later this year. This CNSC decision announced on Dec. 20, 2012, allows AREVA to operate the receiving and milling circuits for high-grade ore and increase the annual capacity of the McClean Lake mill to 13 million pounds (5,900 tonnes) of uranium concentrate. It also allows AREVA to receive and process ore from the McArthur River mine should it decide to pursue this contingency.

Areva begins expansion of McClean Lake uranium mill for processing of Cigar Lake ore

French nuclear giant Areva says it has started the first phase of construction to expand its McClean Lake uranium mill in northern Saskatchewan.
Areva and its partners are investing C$150 million to upgrade the mill and increase its capacity. The upgrade is being done so that the mill can process uranium ore from the Cigar Lake mine slated to begin production late next year. The work includes construction of a storage facility for yellowcake, the powder that is an intermediate step in the processing of uranium ores.
Areva says in a news release that primary construction at McClean Lake, which includes expansion of solvent extraction and acid plants, is to begin next June. (The Canadian Press July 5, 2012)

Cameco, Areva sign milling arrangement to have all ore from Cigar Lake uranium mine processed at McClean Lake mill (Saskatchewan)

> View here

CNSC approves expansion of the JEB Mill at McClean Lake to receive and process Cigar Lake ore

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), after holding a two-day public hearing (January 12, and April 6, 2005), approved an application by COGEMA Resources Inc. (COGEMA) for the renewal and amendment of the operating licence for COGEMA’s McClean Lake uranium mine and mill operation in Northern Saskatchewan. COGEMA has requested authorization to continue the currently permitted activities, and to make modifications to the JEB Mill at the McClean Lake Operation so that uranium ore slurry from Cameco Corporation’s Cigar Lake mine could be received and processed at the Mill.

> Download Notice of Public Hearing, Nov. 3, 2004 (PDF)
> Download Jan. 12, 2005 Hearing Transcript (PDF)
> Download Apr. 6, 2005 Hearing Transcript (revised) (PDF)
> View CNSC release May 19, 2005
> Download Record of Proceedings, including Reasons for Decision, May 19, 2005 (PDF)

CNSC starts Environmental Assessment on expansion of the JEB Mill at McClean Lake to receive and process Cigar Lake ore

> View Environmental Assessment COGEMA Resources Inc / Cameco Corporation: Transfer of Cigar Lake Ore and JEB Mill Expansion (May 28, 2004) (CNSC)


Sue E extension of McClean Lake uranium mine

CNSC approves mining license for McClean Lake - Sue E project

On Dec. 9, 2005, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), after holding a two-day public hearing (August 17 / October 19, 2005) approved an application by COGEMA Resources Inc. (COGEMA) to mine uranium at its Sue E site.

> Download Revised Notice of Public Hearing (Aug. 5, 2005) (PDF)
> Download EIS Summary (2.2M PDF - CRI)
> Download Hearing Transcript Aug. 17, 2005 (PDF)
> Download Hearing Transcript Oct. 19, 2005 (PDF)
> View CNSC release Dec. 9, 2005
> Download Record of Proceedings, including the Reasons for Decision Dec. 9, 2005 (PDF)

CNSC holds hearing on initial surface construction activities at McClean Lake - Sue E project

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), after holding a one-day public hearing (July 13, 2005), approved a proposal by COGEMA Resources Inc. (COGEMA) to carry out initial surface construction activities at its proposed Sue E uranium mine site.

> Download Notice of Public Hearing, April 20, 2005 (PDF)
> Download CNSC Hearing Transcript, July 13, 2005 (PDF)
> View CNSC release July 21, 2005
> Download Record of Proceedings, July 21, 2005 (PDF)

CNSC holds hearing on EA Screening of McClean Lake - Sue E project

Following a public hearing held on June 29, 2005, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) announced on July 12, 2005, its conclusion that COGEMA Resources Inc.’s (COGEMA) proposed Sue E Project, taking into account identified mitigation measures, is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

> Download CNSC release Apr. 7, 2005 (PDF)
> Download CNSC Hearing Transcript, June 29, 2005 (PDF)
> View CNSC release July 12, 2005
> Download Record of Proceedings, Including Reasons for Decision, July 12, 2005 (PDF)

CNSC invites comment on screening report concerning environmental assessment of McClean Lake - Sue E project

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) invites public comment on the Screening Report concerning the Environmental Assessment of the McClean lake Operation: Sue E Project.
The public comment period closes on April 15, 2005.

> View CNSC release Mar. 18, 2005

Environmental Assessment on Sue E extension of McClean Lake uranium mine

On October 30, 2003, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) started the Environmental Assessment (EA) on COGEMA Resources Inc's Sue E Proposal.
The new Sue E orebody will be mined as an open pit operation. The Sue E ore will be milled at the JEB mill and the tailings disposed at the JEB Tailings Management Facility (TMF).

> View Environmental Assessment COGEMA Resources Inc: Sue E Proposal (CNSC)

On July 17, 2004, Saskatchewan Environment issued a public notice inviting public comment on the Draft Project-Specific Guidelines for the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement.
> Download Public Notice (July 17, 2004) (PDF)
> Download Draft Project-Specific Guidelines for the Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (July 2004) (PDF)
> Download Sue E Project Description (Oct. 2003)


CNSC holds hearing on EA Guidelines for new license of McClean Lake mine

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) held a one-day public hearing (July 16, 2003) on the Environmental Assessment Guidelines (EA Guidelines) for the application by COGEMA Resources Inc. for a new operating licence for the McClean Lake Operation, located in northern Saskatchewan.
The draft EA Guidelines (scoping document) were made available to the public on May 30, 2003.
On Aug. 29, 2003, CNSC "announced its approval of the Environmental Assessment Guidelines (Scope of Project and Assessment) that will be used to direct a screening environmental assessment of a new operating licence for COGEMA Resources Inc.’s McClean Lake Operation, located in northern Saskatchewan.".

> View CNSC Release (Aug. 29, 2003)
> Download CNSC Record of Proceedings, Including Reasons for Decision (Aug. 29, 2003) (PDF)
> Download Transcript July 16, 2003 - COGEMA Resources Inc. - Environmental Assessment Guidelines for the Operation of the McClean Lake Mine and Mill Facility (PDF)
> Download Draft Environmental Assessment Guidelines (May 30, 2003) (PDF)
> View CNSC information on Environmental Assessment - Operation of the McClean Lake Mine and Mill Project by COGEMA Resources Inc.


Disposal of Cigar Lake waste rock in the McClean Lake mining facility's Sue C pit

Saskatchewan Environment invites comment on EIS for the Cigar Lake waste rock disposal in the McClean Lake mining facility's Sue C pit

"Cameco Corporation (Cameco) and Cogema Resources Inc. (Cogema) are proposing to temporarily store waste rock at Cigar Lake, and using two haul campaigns, transport and dispose of the Cigar Lake waste rock in the mined-out SUE C pit at the McClean Lake uranium development. This proposal is a change to the existing environmental assessment approvals for both the Cigar Lake and McClean Lake Uranium Developments."
Public comment on the environmental impact statement and SE's Technical Review Comments is invited. Comments should be submitted by May 30, 2003.
> Download Saskatchewan Environment's Environmental Impact Assessment Notice (May 8, 2003) (PDF)

> View CNSC information on Environmental Assessment - Cigar Lake Waste Rock Disposal in Sue C pit

CNSC holds hearing on Environmental Assessment Screening Report for the Cigar Lake waste rock disposal in the McClean Lake mining facility's Sue C pit

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) held a one-day public hearing (June 25, 2003) to consider the Environmental Assessment Screening Report (EA Screening Report) for the Cigar Lake waste rock disposal in the McClean Lake mining facility’s Sue C pit.
The EA Screening Report was made available to the public on May 9, 2003.
On Aug. 29, 2003, the CNSC "concluded that the project, taking into account the appropriate mitigation measures, is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects".

> View CNSC Release (Aug. 29, 2003)
> Download CNSC Record of Proceedings, including the Reasons for Decision (Aug. 29, 2003) (PDF)
> Download CNSC Hearing Transcript (PDF)

> See also: CNSC announces hearing on Environmental Assessment Guidelines for the proposed construction of the Cigar Lake uranium mine


Court quashes McClean Lake operating license

> View McClean Lake Uranium Mining Project Court Case details


New uranium mineralization found at McClean Lake

New unconformity related uranium mineralization was discovered in the Athabasca sandstone. Approximately 20 diamond drill holes have tested structural and geological targets in the Caribou Lake area, approximately two kilometres northwest of the Sue C open pit. (Denison release April 12, 2002)


McClean Lake mining suspended after Sue C mining completed

"COGEMA Resources will suspend mining at its McClean Lake operation after completion of the Sue C mine.
Vincent Martin, senior vice-president and chief operating officer, says that by the end of 2001, the company will have enough ore stockpiled to feed the mill for four to five years. [...]
And while the mining at McClean Lake is expected to be complete within the next few years, the mill is expected to continue to run another 40 years with ore from the Cigar and Midwest projects." (COGEMA Res. Communiqué Dec. 2001)

Mining of the Sue C pit was completed on February 3, 2002 with all of the ore stockpiled for feeding the mill into 2006. (Denison, March 6, 2002)


CNSC renews Operating Licence for McClean Lake Mine

On Aug. 9, 2001, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) approved the renewal of the operating licence for COGEMA Resources Inc.'s McClean Lake Operation, with an increased production limit of 3629.3 t of U3O8 per year (33% up from 2722 t/a).
> View CNSC release Aug. 31, 2001
> Download Record of Proceedings, Including Reasons for Decision (Aug. 30, 2001) (PDF)

> Download Transcript of May 29, 2001 hearing (PDF)
> Download Transcript of June 28, 2001 hearing (PDF)
> Download Transcript of August 9, 2001 hearing (PDF)

> see also older McClean Lake issues

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