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(last updated 22 Apr 2024)


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Upper house of Russian parliament approves incentives for uranium mining industry

On May 19th, the Federation Council Committee on Agriculture and Food Policy and Environmental Management approved a list of measures aimed at provision of state incentives to uranium mining industry of the Russia's nuclear sector.
The key areas will be the introduction of zero rate for mining extraction tax and property tax, a set of measures aimed at simplifying the system of granting subsoil use rights, inclusion in the Federal Target Program "Economic Development of the Far East and Trans-Baikal regions up to 2018", and construction of infrastructure facilities of the city of Krasnokamensk. (ARMZ May 21, 2015)

Russia to triple uranium production in next two years - Rosatom

Russia will nearly triple its production of natural uranium in the next two years, the head of the country's state-run nuclear corporation Rosatom said Thursday (Jan. 9). Sergei Kiriyenko said at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin that Russia had in recent years been producing some 3,000 - 3,200 metric tons of uranium annually. "In 2015, we will reach 8,400 tons [a year], and the prime cost will be completely different," Kiriyenko said. (RIA Novosti Jan. 9, 2014)

Russia ratifies nuclear cooperation agreement with Japan

Russia has ratified the agreement on cooperation in the field of nuclear energy with Japan. The bill was adopted by the Russian Parliament in December and signed into law by President Dmitry Medvedev earlier today.
Moscow and Tokyo have reached agreement on joint prospecting for and developing uranium ore deposits, the construction and operation of light water reactors, and nuclear safety. The agreement also provides for fissionable material deliveries. (Voice of Russia Jan. 8, 2011)

Russia invites China to join exploitation of Russian uranium deposits

Russia has proposed to China to jointly exploit three uranium deposits on Russian territory, Rosatom head Sergei Kiriyenko announced in Beijing. Russia could create a joint venture with China, or attract Chinese investments in its mine projects, according to him. (RIA Novosti Aug. 30, 2010)

EDF plans partnership with Rosatom, including uranium mining

Among others, French utility EDF is studying common development projects in Russia and in other countries with Inter RAO , a Russian producer of electricity controlled to 60% by Rosatom. EDF also buys nuclear fuel from its Russian partner, with whom it in addition negotiates a participation in a uranium mine project. (Les Echos, Mar. 9, 2010)

Russia to acquire foreign uranium assets

Russian nuclear holding Rosatom gets 14.2 billion roubles (EUR 325 million) from the state budget for the acquisition of foreign assets. This was announced by prime minister Vladimir Putin on Dec. 22. According to Rosatom chief executive Sergei Kiriyenko, those assets would mostly comprise uranium assets. (RIA Novosti Dec. 22, 2009)

Atomredmetzoloto plans $7.4 billion investment in uranium mining by 2015

Russia's state uranium miner plans to invest 203.6 billion roubles ($7.4 billion) by 2015 to fund a massive expansion plan as demand from the nuclear power sector grows, the company's general director said. Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ) General Director Vadim Zhivov told Reuters the company, which produces uranium in Russia and Kazakhstan, planned to increase output of the metal to 4,300 tonnes next year from 3,880 tonnes expected in 2008. ARMZ produced 3,527 tonnes in 2007, of which 3,413 tonnes was produced in Russia. (Reuters Nov. 26, 2008)

Russia and India planning joint uranium extraction

Russia and India are planning to jointly produce uranium and construct nuclear facilities. (RIA Novosti Nov. 20, 2008)

Atomredmetzoloto and South Korean consortium sign memorandum on uranium exploration and mining

On Sep. 29, 2008, Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ), the state holding company for Russia's uranium mining assets, and a consortium of South Korean companies signed a memorandum on cooperation in the development of new uranium exploration and mining projects and the sale of uranium in Russia and abroad, the state Rosatom corporation said on its website. The consortium includes KEPCO, Korean Resources Corporation and LG International Corp. (Daily News Bulletin Sep. 30, 2008)

Atomredmetzoloto to set up joint venture with Areva

Russia's leading uranium mining company Atomredmetzoloto, owned by state nuclear power corporation Atomenergoprom, said on July 21, 2008, it intends to set up a joint venture with France's Areva. "In December 2007, a memorandum of understanding was signed with Areva. Now we are considering setting up a joint venture for uranium prospecting and mining in promising areas in Russia and Africa," Atomredmetzoloto said in a statement.
Atomenergoprom, set up in 2007, became a part of state nuclear power corporation Rosatom in February 2008.
The Russian uranium mining company has also established partner relations with Japan's Mitsui for joint participation in investment projects for uranium prospecting and mining, the statement said.
The Russian company will also develop cooperation with South Korea's LG International Corp. in the geological prospecting and development of uranium deposits in promising areas, the statement said. (RIA Novosti July 21, 2008)

Atomredmetzoloto could boost uranium production to 20,000 t/a by 2024

OJSC Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ), the state-owned company that is consolidating Russia's uranium mining assets, could boost uranium production to 20,000 tonnes per year by 2024, from 3,520 tonnes mined in 2007, Alexander Boitsov, head of the company's international relations and information policy department, said in a report for the Geominex forum.
ARMZ plans to increase uranium production at existing mines and mines already under construction to 8,000 tonnes per year. These include mines run by the Priargun Mining and Chemicals Association, CJSC Dalur and OJSC Khiagda. ARMZ also plans to build new mines in Yakutia (CJSC Elkon Mining) and the Trans-Baikal region (CJSC Olovskaya Mining, CJSC Gornoye) with overall capacity for 6,400 tonnes per year. In addition, ARMZ plans to increase uranium mine production by the Zarechnoye and Akbastau joint ventures in Kazakhstan to 5,000 tonnes per year.
ARMZ said its uranium resources totaled 564,200 tonnes, and were the world's second biggest. The Elkon province in Yakutia holds 57% of the resources and should be producing 5,000 tonnes of uranium per year by 2024. Elkon should be producing up to 30% of Russia's mined uranium by 2020. Boitsov's report said that the projections were approved in the framework of the federal program for the Russian nuclear power industry for the period 2007-2010 and to 2015. (Interfax May 26, 2008)

Russia and South Korea consider uranium production Joint Venture

Russia and South Korea are considering setting up a joint venture on uranium production and developing services in the area of nuclear fuel cycle, a joint document said. "The sides will cooperate to create the conditions for reliable deliveries of Russian uranium products and services in the nuclear fuel cycle sphere," the document, signed following a regular session of a bilateral intergovernmental commission, said. The parties pledged to instruct the relevant agencies to consider establishing a joint enterprise for the storage of uranium products subject to further processing by South Korea. (RIA Novosti Dec. 14, 2007)

Russia, Canada agree on joint uranium prospecting

On Nov. 29, 2007, Atomredmetzoloto Company signed an agreement with Cameco Corporation to set up joint ventures for geological prospecting and production of uranium in the Russian northwest and in Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan and Nunavut. (Itar-Tass, November 30, 2007)

Russia plans to invest 20 billion rubles in CIS uranium mining by 2020

Russia plans to invest more than 20 billion rubles (US$ 746 million) in uranium mining in the CIS in a bid to raise uranium imports to 8,000 tonnes annually. "... we determined that by 2020 we will be able to meet our requirements [for uranium] only by bringing deposits abroad, primarily in the CIS, into production," said Vladimir Bavlov, deputy head of Russian Subsurface Resources Agency (Rosnedra). (Interfax Oct. 27, 2006)

Russia to increase uranium production sixfold by 2020

Russia plans to pump $10 billion into expanding its uranium resource base over the next 10 years, part of a program to accelerate the country's nuclear energy output, top government officials said on Feb. 27, 2006. Spearheaded by the Natural Resources Ministry and the Federal Atomic Energy Agency, the program would increase annual uranium production sixfold by 2020, ensuring ore supplies for existing and new nuclear stations.
If the government does not act, Russian stockpiles of the ore will dry up in less than a decade, said an official from the Federal Subsoil Resource Use Agency, part of the Natural Resources Ministry. In 2005, the country's three uranium producers mined just 3,325 tons of ore, one-fifth of the amount Russia annually consumes to fuel nuclear power stations and to meet military needs and export obligations, Anatoly Ledovskikh, head of the agency, said.
To increase future supply, the government would double productionsa at dexdddisting uranium mines and start exploration at a number of fields in Siberia and Buryatia. It would also set up joint ventures with CIS partners.
According to the ministries' plan, Russia would mine 60 to 70 percent of its uranium needs by 2015, with a further 30 percent coming from joint ventures in CIS countries, Vladimir Bavlov, deputy head of the Federal Subsoil Resource Use Agency said. (Moscow Times Feb. 28, 2006)

Russia to double uranium production by 2010

Russia wants to double uranium production from the current 2200-2500 tonnes to 4000-4500 tonnes by 2010. The production increase were mainly needed to meet increasing domestic demand, but export also would continue, according to the Russian Chemical Technology Institute. (AFP Nov. 28, 2000)



Karkhu · Srednaya Padma

Karkhu deposit, Piktyarantsk district, Karelia

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Radioactive pollution of Lake Ladoga feared from uranium project

Activists of Karelia's association of environmentalists have expressed concern that an ongoing exploration project at an uranium deposit outside the village of Karkhu may cause radioactive pollution in Lake Ladoga.
"Our information suggests that exploration efforts are in their final stages at an uranium deposit near the village of Karkhu in Karelia's Piktyarantsk district," association coordinator Dmitry Rybakov told Interfax. The average depth of the uranium deposit there is 150-300 meters, the association said. (Interfax Oct. 15, 2004)


Srednaya Padma deposit, Karelia

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Decision On Uranium Mining Postponed

On Nov. 4, 1998, the Parliament of Karelia (north-west Russian region) postponed its decision about the mining of the Srednaya Padma deposit for vanadium and uranium for the second time. Previously the parliament was discussing the proposed mining project on October 20 and made no decision after environmental activists claimed there was no environmental impact assessment made for the project. The decision-making was postponed for "lack of information".
Last summer the government of Karelia announced a competition for mining companies to develop uranium mining in the Srednaya Padma deposit, close to Onego lake in Karelia (approximately 200 km from the Russian-Finnish border). Both local residents and environmental groups are strongly opposed to the proposed uranium mining demanding to cancel these plans immediately for "environmental, social, political and economic reasons".
(Socio-Ecological Union/ECODEFENSE!' Antinuclear campaign )



Argunskoye · Berezovoe · Chita region · Gornoe · Olovskoye · Pyatiletneye · Zherlovskoye

Gornoe and Berezovoe projects, Trans-Baikal Territory

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Hearing held on heap leaching pilot-scale plant at Berezovoye deposit, Trans-Baikal: On July 3, 2015, the Ulëtovsky district in the Trans-Baikal Territory held a public hearing based on the environmental impact assessment for the "pilot-scale plant for heap leaching at the Berezovoye deposit."
Minutes of the hearing will be published on the official website of the Ulëtovsky district administration. (Atomredmetzoloto July 13, 2015)

On Dec. 21, 2009, public hearings were held on the proposed mining of the Berezovoe uranium deposit. After reaching the design capacity in 2014, the plant will produce 100 t of uranium annually. The Gornoe company is currently conducting feasibility studies for the project. (Atomredmetzoloto Dec. 28, 2009)

Gornoe Uranium Mining Company (UMC) was formed in 2007 to develop Gornoe and Berezovoe uranium deposits located in the Trans-Baikal Territory. A combined production method is envisaged using block and heap leaching. Preliminary design work, as well as exploration and experimental activities have been planned for 2008-2009. Project's technical and economic assessment started in 2008 and continues into 2009 while construction per se is slated for 2010. The mine's design capacity is 600 tons of uranium per annum. (Gornoe 2009)


Olovskoye project, Chernishevsk District, Trans-Baikal Territory

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The Olovskaya Mining and Chemical Company (OMCC) was formed in 2007 to develop Olovskoye ore field in the Chernishevsk District of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Construction is in a planning phase of a uranium ore mining pit and an underground mine, a heap leach platform for ore processing, a facility for processing product solutions and the production of yellow cake. The company's projected capacity is 600 tons of uranium per year. (OMCC 2009)


Chita region projects (Argunskoye, Pyatiletneye, Zherlovskoye)

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Chita Region's uranium deposits to be auctioned

The Russian Natural Resources Ministry's Federal Resource Management Agency announced bidding for the right to exploit the Zherlovskoye, the Pyatiletneye and the Argunskoye uranium deposits in Chita Region, Kommersant learnt. The region’s administration reported the auction would be held in early September 2005. It is for the first time in the last ten years that the state puts out uranium assets of the Eastern Siberia to tender. However, there would be virtually no competition for the deposits. State-owned TVEL corporation is considered the only candidate to exploit them. (Kommersant Daily, June 09, 2005)



Aldansky · Elkon · Lunnoye · Yuzhnaya

Lunnoye project (South Yakutia)

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On November 20, 2009, public hearings relating to the Declaration of Intent for the development of the Lunnoe deposit took place in the township of Aldan in Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The development plans received full support of the local population and authorities responsible for industrial and environmental safety.
The project's next stage suggests the need to develop and present to the public in 2010 an Environmental Impact Assessment Report, as well as measures to minimize the adverse effect of the project on the environment. Lunnoe closed joint stock company with reserves of 800 tons of uranium and 13 tons of gold develops the Lunnoe deposit and is a parity-based mine of ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. and Zoloto Seligdara (Gold of Seligdar). After it reaches stable state production in 2016, the mine is slated to produce, on an annual basis, up to 100 tons of uranium and 1 ton of gold. (ARMZ Dec. 1, 2009)

The Lunnoye company is to build a new plant in the northeast Siberian republic of Yakutia to process uranium and gold ore, the republic's ministry for industry said. "The plant is expected to process 400,000 metric tons of ore per year. The plant will have a designed annual capacity of around 1.5 metric tons of gold and a maximum capacity of 120 metric tons of uranium per year," the ministry said.
Lunnoye was founded by the Atomredmetzoloto uranium holding and the Seligdar gold mining company. According to the ministry, the plant is expected to produce its first ton of gold in late 2009-early 2010, while the plant's capacity will be reached by 2011. (RIA Novosti July 22, 2008)


Aldansky project (South Sakha/Yakutia)

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Yuzhnaya site

Mitsui & Co., Ltd. to participate in development of Yuzhnaya uranium mine in Russia
Mitsui & Co., Ltd. and Russian state company TENEX (TECHSNABEXPORT) signed an agreement on October 5th, 2006, to confirm that the two companies will carry out a joint feasibility study on an undeveloped uranium deposit at the Yuzhnaya site in the Aldan district of the Sakha Republic of the Russian Federation. Mitsui and Tenex have also agreed that Mitsui will obtain the exclusive right to negotiate with TENEX on participating in this project in the future.
The uranium reserve at the Yuzhnaya site is estimated to exceed 250,000 tU. This deposit is regarded as one of the largest in the world. TENEX has been exploring this deposit on its own, but for the final feasibility study, which will take about 1.5 years from now to reach an investment decision, TENEX invited Mitsui to be a partner and decided to proceed with the study jointly. Under the agreement, Mitsui will provide US$6 million to finance the feasibility study, and TENEX, as the operator, will conduct a technical survey and obtain domestic licenses.
Mitsui is entitled to acquire from TENEX about 25% of the shares of the project company which owns the interest in this deposit, if the project's feasibility is confirmed and both parties reach an agreement on commercial terms and conditions. If TENEX and Mitsui establish a joint venture company, Mitsui will be the first foreign company to obtain an uranium interest in Russia, and it will be involved in construction, production and marketing of uranium from the Yuzhnaya mine. The total construction cost of the mine is currently estimated to be US$245 million, and the target date for the commissioning of the mine and the first shipment is expected to take place in 2009, leading to the full production phase (1,000 tU per year, as U3O8) around 2015. (Mitsui Oct. 6, 2006)

Elkon deposit

Russia to resume development of Elkon uranium deposit: Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yury Trutnev said yesterday (June 2) that the state nuclear corporation Rosatom, which has suspended the development of the gigantic Elkon uranium project in Russia's Yakutia region since 2017, must submit a plan to resume this work, the Russian news agency RBC reports.
According to RBC, back in 2017, the licenses were suspended for the following deposits of the Elkon uranium field in Yakutia: Elkon, Elkonskoe Plateau, Kurung, Neprokhodimoe, Druzhnoe and Severnoe. These deposits comprise the Elkon project and have total resources of 357 thousand tonnes of uranium (approximately 928 million pounds of uranium oxide), making Elkon the largest new uranium project globally.
RBC noted that Elkon licenses were suspended by the initiative of Rosatom due to deteriorated uranium market conditions. (Kitco News June 3, 2021)

India is seeking to enter the Russian uranium mining market, particularly, the Elkon uranium mine in Yakutia, which contains over 5% of the world's uranium reserves. (Russia & India Report Nov. 4, 2010)

Russia offered India a stake in one of the world's largest uranium fields during Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's visit last week, Russian news agencies quoted the head of the state nuclear company as saying. "We have agreed with our Indian partners the creation of a joint venture for geological exploration and production of uranium," Rosatom head Sergei Kiriyenko was quoted by state-run RIA news agency as saying on Monday (Mar. 15). "We offered them participation in the Elkon field," he said, adding that the prospective joint venture could operate in third countries as well and build uranium processing plants in both Russia and India. State-owned Russian mining company ARMZ Uranium Holding Co, or AtomRedMetZoloto, holds the licence to the Elkon field in Russia's Sakha Republic. It is estimated to hold 344,000 tonnes of uranium, or 5.3 percent of the world's recoverable reserves. (The Economic Times Mar. 15, 2010)

Electricité de France , the world's biggest nuclear-power producer, is interested in mining uranium in Russia, Sergei Kiriyenko, chief executive of Rosatom, said on Feb. 24, 2009. EDF held talks on taking part in developing the Elkonsky uranium deposit in Russia's Far East, Kiriyenko said in Moscow in comments confirmed by Rosatom spokesman Sergei Novikov. (Moscow Times Feb. 25, 2009)

Work to design and construct a uranium production and conversion plant will start in Yakutia, Russia's Far East in 2009, the head of a local mining company said on Dec. 30, 2008. "Pre-design work initiated by Rosatom, which has a 100% stake in the plant, is being carried out, and investment feasibility study to run until March 2009 has started," said Alexander Morozkin, general director of the Elkon mining plant. The plant will annually process up to 5,000 tons of uranium ore. The plant will also produce gold and silver, and molybdenum has also been discovered at the Elkon deposit. (RIA Novosti Dec. 30, 2008)

Elkonsky GOK, the enterprise that will develop the Elkon group of uranium deposits in Yakutia, has been registered in the internal Russian republic's Aldan district, an official at Yakutia's government told Interfax. The enterprise will be attached to OJSC Atomredmetzoloto, the state owned umbrella company for Russian uranium mining enterprises. (Interfax Nov. 8, 2007)

Russia plans to start mining uranium at the Elkon deposit in the Yakutia region of north-eastern Russia in 2012-13, according to Sergey Kiriyenko, director of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency (Rosatom). A total of 90 billion roubles ($3.6 billion) will be invested in the Elkon project, including 7.5 billion roubles ($300 million) from the federal budget. Kiriyenko said that some 5000 tonnes of uranium would be mined annually at the Elkon project. (WNA Oct. 26, 2007)

Techsnabexport has won the right to develop 8 uranium deposits in the Elkon area of Yakutia. (Techsnabexport May 15, 2007)

Mining of the Elkon uranium deposit in Yakutia is to start in 2010, according to Techsnabexport director general Vladimir Smirnov. Five years later, full production of 5000 t/a is to be attained. Exploration of the deposit is completed, he said. Reserves are sufficient for a 70 year lifetime of the mine. Total resources are estimated at 600,000 t uranium. (RIA Novosti Dec. 13, 2006)

A key part of the plans [to increase Russian uranium production] will be start of production at Elkonsky Gorst, a deposit in south Sakha [Yakutia], that has proven resources of 342,000 tons, Vladimir Bavlov, deputy head of the Federal Subsoil Resource Use Agency said. "As of now, the infrastructure around Elkonsky Gorsk is in place. We expect it to mine annually 3,000 tons in 10 years, and 6,000 tons in 15 years," Bavlov said. (Moscow Times Feb. 28, 2006)

Russia to open large uranium mines in South Yakutia

Officials of TVEL Corporation said the output of uranium in Russia "is to be guaranteed after 2010 by sinking new uranium mines". TVEL vice-president Golovinsky said "new large uranium-mining enterprises could be built on the basis of some large deposits in South Yakutia. The first uranium from those mines is expected to be obtained by 2015," he added. True, Golovinsky noted, "these deposits, sufficient for fifty years to come, cannot be tapped without government support". (Itar-Tass March 25, 2005)
The deposits in question are located in the Aldansky uranium ore district. The ores are situated at depths of more than 200-500 m; the most productive ore zones predominate at depths of more than 1 km. The average U grade is 0.1 - 0.15%; in addition, the ore contains between 1 ppm to several ppm gold. The resources comprise more than 200,000 t U and belong to the 80-130 $/kg U cost category.



Khiagda · Vitimsky

Vitimsky ISL project, Buryatia

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Khiagda uranium ISL project obtains approval for capacity build-up

JSC Khiagda has obtained approval from the State Ecological Inspection to increase the uranium production capacity to 150 - 200 tonnes per year. Commissioning of the new equipment for the sorption-desorption process is planned for January 2007. (TVEL July 11, 2006)

TVEL seeks funding for Khiagda ISL project

TVEL has applied to the Russian Economic Development and Trade Ministry for an allocation of 4.4 billion rubles [US$ 163 million] over four to five years from the Investment Fund to finance uranium mining at the Khiagda mine in Buryatia. The investment in Khiagda will total 5.8 billion rubles [US$ 214 million], of which TVEL will provide 1.4 billion rubles [US$ 52 million]. (Interfax May 30, 2006)

Russia plans to develop Khiagdinskoe uranium ISL project

The Khiagda mine, which together with the Dalur mines accounted for just 200 tons of ore in 2005, will be brought to 1,000 tons annual production capacity within a decade. (Moscow Times Feb. 28, 2006)
Plans to proceed with the development of the Khiagda in-situ leach (ISL) uranium deposit in the Vitim district of the Republic of Buryatia were announced by the Ministry of Atomic Energy (MINATOM). Production costs from the deposit will be around US$20 per kg U3O8 (US$7.70/lb U3O8), MINATOM estimates. Production of 1500 tonnes U (3.9 million lb U3O8) annually is expected to begin in 2005/2006. The Khiagda deposit contains an estimated 15,500 tonnes U (40 million pounds U3O8) at an average ore grade of 0.06% U3O8 (0.051% U). (WNA News Briefing 01.34, August 22, 2001)
The go-ahead for the mine has been given by Minatom. (WNA News Briefing 01.36, Sep 5, 2001)

Environment at risk from uranium ISL project in permafrost at Khiagdinskoe

> View translation of Molodezh' Buryatiya article, Sep 13, 2000

Khiagdinskoe pilot ISL test successful

A new commercial uranium mine is to be built in the autonomous republic of Buryat following a successful test excavation. More than three tonnes U3O8 were extracted from the Khiagdinskoe deposit using leaching technology. Production volume of Khiagdinskoe is expected to reach 1500 tonnes annually, with sufficient reserves to ensure 'at least 50 years of operation'. Mining at the deposit is expected to be twice as cheap than at Russia's only other uranium mine, at Krasnokamensk. (UI News Briefing 00.19, 9 May 2000)
The deposit is located 250 km east of Lake Baikal and 200 km north of Chita.



Dalmatovkoye · Dobrovolnoye · Khokhlovskoye

> Opposition: Kurgan-Antiuran: OK · VK (in Russian)


Khokhlovskoye ISL project, Shumikha District

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Khokhlovskoye in situ leach uranium mine project obtains approval for development of three more deposits: The project for the development of the Khokhlovsky uranium deposit received a positive conclusion from the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia. [...]
"Currently, the development of the Central deposit is being carried out at the Khokhlovsky field. The positive conclusion of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia will allow us to start building infrastructure and further developing three more deposits - Western, Eastern and Far Eastern," said Dinis Yezhurov, General Director of JSC Dalur.
The positive conclusion of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia means that all the necessary requirements will be fully met during the construction of infrastructure and the development of deposits. [...]
Earlier, the project for the development of the Khokhlovsky deposit was approved at public hearings by the residents of the Shumikhinsky district. (ARMZ May 17, 2022)

Development of three more fields can begin at Khokhlovskoye in situ leach uranium mine project: By the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the sites needed for the Company to carry out uranium mining have been transferred to the category of "industrial land".
Kamol Kadyrov, the First Deputy Director General of Dalur, JSC: "Today, the development of the Tsentralnaya and Zapadnaya fields is underway at the Khokhlovskoye Deposit. Changing the land category will allow us to start building infrastructure and to further develop three more fields - Vostochnaya, Dalnevostochnaya, and Dyuryaginskaya. Therefore, as soon as in 2022-2023, the uranium mining center of the Kurgan Region will start moving to Shumikha. It is there that the bulk of the strategic metal will be mined". (ARMZ Jan. 13, 2022)


Dobrovolnoye ISL project, Zverinogolovsky District

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Floods threaten Dobrovolnoye uranium in situ leach project site: Russian environmentalists are sounding the alarm about a radioactive leak threat as floodwaters approach a uranium mine in the region of Kurgan in Russia's Urals mountains.
The Russian Urals region and neighboring northern Kazakhstan have suffered the worst flooding in 80 years amid heavy rainfall exacerbated by large snowfalls, which are melting rapidly as a result of higher-than-usual temperatures this spring. Authorities have evacuated tens of thousands of residents from Kurgan and Orenburg in recent weeks as floodwaters rise.
Agentstvo, a Russian investigative site launched in 2021, reported Sunday (Apr. 21) that the Dobrovolnoye uranium mine, which is located in the village of Ukrainskoye in Kurgan's Zverinogolovsky district, has been listed by local authorities as being in the flood zone. The mine is estimated to hold approximately 7,077 tons of uranium at a grade value ranging from 0.01 percent to 0.05 percent uranium, according to NS Energy Business.
Environmentalists told Agentstvo that they fear the nearby Tobol River could become contaminated with uranium. (Newsweek Apr. 22, 2024)

Construction of pilot in situ leach plant starts at Dobrovolnoye uranium deposit: On Nov. 10, 2021, ARMZ announced that the construction of the pilot in situ leach plant started. The plant ist expected to be operational by December 2022.

Residents concerned about planned in situ leach mining at Dobrovolnoye uranium deposit: Russia's remote Kurgan region, near Kazakhstan, is the location of about one-sixth of the country's uranium reserves. A subsidiary of the state nuclear agency is expanding its operations there, using sulfuric acid to leach out the uranium ore. But for many local residents, the growth of the mines means not greater wealth, but greater dangers. (RFE/RL Mar. 19, 2021)

Preparations for pilot in situ leach plant start at Dobrovolnoye uranium deposit: Dalur, JSC is currently starting to equip a pilot ISL site at the Dobrovolnoye deposit, with favorable opinion No. 45-1-1-3-001048-2020 obtained from Glavgosexpertiza of Russia for the design documentation and the results of the engineering surveys related to the work. However, no pilot operations will be run in the area of the Tobol River which is typically inundated in the flooding season. (ARMZ Oct. 13, 2020)

District holds hearings on planned exploration at Dobrovolnoye in situ leach uranium mine project: The administration of the Zverinogolovsky District in Kurgan Region held public hearings in Trud i Znaniye village. They covered discussions of the terms of reference (TOR) for drafting an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the first facility to be built during the development of the Dobrovolnoye uranium deposit, including the so-called 'mud pit' used for the disposal of spent drilling muds. [...]
A drilling process involves the use of a drilling fluid also known as drilling mud in order to strengthen the well bore and cool the drilling equipment. It is made by mixing bentonite clay and water. This solution is, of course, a waste after use and we are required to build the so-called 'mud pit', a separate facility for its disposal. It is a bowl-shaped pit of 70 to 100 thousand cubic meters with a clay lock device and an additional layer of insulation and arrangements will be made to ensure its structural strength and prevent drilling mud filtration. [...] (ARMZ Aug. 16, 2018)

Petition launched demanding Environmental Impact Assessment for Dobrovolnoye in situ leach uranium mine project: Residents of the Kurgan region opposing the development of the Dobrovolnoye uranium deposit set up a petitition demanding to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment and publicize its results, to carry out an independent public environmental review in accordance with FZ-174 "On Environmental Review", and to hold a popular referendum.
> Access petition , Oct. 13, 2017 (change.org - in Russian)

Operating license issued for Dobrovolnoye in situ leach uranium mine project: According to Order No. 1131-p of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 3, 2017, the permit to operate the federal natural uranium deposit field of Dobrovolnoye in Kurgan Region was issued to JSC Dalur, part of ARMZ Uranium Holding / Mining Division of Rosatom State Corporation).
JSC Dalur has been in Kurgan Region since 2001. It operates to fields in the region: Dalmatovskoye field in the district of the same name and the Khokhlovskoye field in Shumikhinsky District. A total of 591 tons of uranium were prospected in 2016, which corresponds to the indicator of 2015. Dobrovolnoye field has been estimated to contain 7067 tons of uranium. Commissioning the field gradually will allow the enterprise to increase the volume of uranium recovery from the current 590 tons of metal a year to 700 tons by 2025. (Atomredmetzoloto June 5, 2017)

Atomredmetzoloto intends to open another in situ leach uranium mine in Kurgan region: On 11 April 2017, an auction for the right to use the Dobrovolnoye subsoil area of federal importance in Zverinogolovsky District of Kurgan Region for exploration and uranium extraction will be held in accordance with the decree No. 2692-r issued by Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Victor Svyatetsky, First Deputy Director General and Chief Operating Officer of JSC Atomredmetzoloto, reported the following: "We will certainly participate in the auction and expect to get the license and start the project development in 2017 already. Then, the State Environmental Expertise shall follow and, in the case of a positive opinion, we will start geological exploration in 2018 and pilot work in 2019". (Atomredmetzoloto Jan. 25, 2017)


Dalmatovkoye ISL project, Zauralsk district

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Russian nuclear fuel manufacturer TVEL said its subsidiary in the Urals is planning to double its annual uranium production to 640 metric tons by 2010. The Dalur company, a TVEL subsidiary in the Kurgan Region, mines uranium using an "ecologically clean" underground well leaching technique. After increasing its production and energy capacity, the company, which was formed in 2001, produced 262 tons of uranium ore in 2006. (RIA Novosti June 7, 2007)

The Dalur mine, which together with the Khiagda mine accounted for just 200 tons of ore in 2005, will be brought to 2,000 tons annual production capacity within a decade. (Moscow Times Feb. 28, 2006)

The Malyshev Ore company has received about US$30 million from Minatom to develop the Dalmatovkoye uranium field using ISL technology. First stage commissioning is currently under way and the field is expected to produce 10% of Russian needs in 1998. (UI News Briefing 47/97) The deposit is located 80 km east of Cheljabinsk in Zauralsky district in the Transurals, Western Siberia.

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