New Uranium Mining Projects - Norasa (Valencia, Namibplaas), Namibia 
(last updated 5 Dec 2023)
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> View Norasa (Valencia, Namibplaas) deposit info
Forsys Metals Corp. starts reassessment of Feasibility Study for Norasa Uranium Project, including potential for heap leaching
On Dec. 05, 2023, Forsys Metals Corp. announced that it has launched a broad-ranging initiative to reassess its 2015 Feasibility Study for its fully owned Norasa Project1 in Namibia. The Company sees potential to improve project economics by optimizing pit parameters and examining the potential of using heap leaching in mineral processing.
Forsys Metals Corp. applies for environmental clearance renewal for proposed mining of Namibplaas uranium deposit
Commenting of the public on this project will expire at 12h00 on March 19, 2023.
> Access application documents
On June 21, 2023, Forsys Metals Corp. announced that it has obtained the renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) from the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism for the Company's Norasa Uranium Project located in Namibia, Africa.
Forsys applies for mining license for Namibplaas uranium deposit
On Oct. 05, 2022, Forsys Metals Corp. announced that it has applied to the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Namibia for a 25 year mining licence to develop its Namibplaas uranium deposit as part of the company's Norasa Uranium Project. The application was filed in the name of the Company's 100% owned subsidiary, Valencia Uranium (Pty) Ltd.
The company holds a 25-year Mining Licence (ML-149) for its Valencia deposit, which is valid until 2033.
'Panama Papers': Cosa Nostra financier involved in Norasa uranium mine project
Leaked documents reveal how the son of Italian convicted Mafioso, Vito Palazzolo, and the son of his best friend, Count Rocky Agusta, teamed up to sustain their fathers' illicit businesses through offshore firms by using a former German banker.
The leak dubbed the 'Panama Papers' also reveals new details about the well-publicised Mafia's business connection between the Italians and Namibian businessman Zacky Nujoma, the youngest son of founding President Sam Nujoma. [...]
In 2006, Zacky Nujoma established Ancash Investments (Pty) Ltd, a black empowerment firm.
Soon after, Ancash obtained seven uranium exclusive prospecting licenses from Namibia's mines and energy ministry.
Then, in September 2006, Palazzolo advanced Ancash US$10 million in 'financial assistance' to support mineral exploration rights.
Following the loan from Palazzolo, Canadian uranium exploration and development company Forsys Metals Corp announced its intention to 'partner' Ancash on uranium mining contracts.
In that announcement, Forsys declared that Ancash possessed "strong international connections with Natural Earth International Ltd, a member of Deutsche Investment Corporation (Asia) Ltd based in Hong Kong".
In light of the evidence in the Panama Papers, that sentence should instead read that Ancash "has strong international connections with Palazzolo, the Cosa Nostra's financier." [...]
(Namibian Apr. 7, 2016)
Feasibility Study released for Norasa Uranium Project, assuming 66% higher than current uranium price
On Mar. 18, 2015, Forsys Metals Corp. released a Feasibility Study for its Norasa uranium project in Namibia, based on a uranium price of US$ 65 per lb U3O8. [The mine permit was issued in 2008 already, see below!]
> Calculate Mine Feasibility
Feasibility Study initiated for Norasa Uranium Project, which received mining permit already six years ago
On July 7, 2014, Forsys Metals Corp. announced that it has engaged AMEC to commence a Feasibility Study for its 100% owned and permitted Norasa Uranium Project located in Namibia.
[The mine permit was issued in 2008 already, see below!]
Construction of Valencia uranium mine to start in 2015
Construction of the Valencia mine is set to start in early 2015, while plant commissioning is expected to be under way by mid-2016. Mining at Norasa will start in early 2016 to prepare pit benches and open mining faces.
(Mining Weekly May 16, 2014)
Most workers at Valencia uranium mine project dismissed due to weak uranium market
Forsys Metals Corporation has laid off most of the workers at its Valencia Uranium Project in the Erongo Region with reports reaching The Namibian indicating that the company is now left with only four workers and seven managers.
Like other uranium mines and projects in the country, the project has been negatively affected by the downturn in the international uranium markets after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan in March 2011 sent uranium prices tumbling down.
Valencia general manager Dag Kullmann said in an interview that at full capacity, the project had 30 workers but said since it has completed its exploration activities, it had decided to retain nine skilled workers including managers.
He further said when funding becomes available, more exploration activities will be conducted and the development of the mine will only possibly take place when market conditions improve.
(The Namibian Oct. 29, 2013)
New Engineering Cost Study Report predicts lower operating costs for Valencia mill
On May 7, 2013, Forsys Metals Corp released an Engineering Cost Study Report on the planned Valencia process plant for the consolidated Norasa uranium project. Due to an increased plant throughput and changes in the processing scheme, the operating costs of the processing plant are expected to decrease compared to previous estimates.
Valencia and Namibplaas uranium mine projects consolidated as Norasa project
On Jan. 23, 2013, Forsys Metals Corp announced positive drilling results from an extension exploration program on the company's Valencia Mining Licence 149. The new discovery, "Valencia East" is located 500 metres northeast from the planned Valencia production pit.
The company moreover announced to consolidate the Valencia Main, Valencia East and Valencia North and Namibplaas (EPL 3638) projects under the name Norasa uranium project.
Korea Resources Corp signs agreement on development of Valencia uranium deposit
Korea Resources Corporation
has signed a cooperation agreement with Forsys Metals Corp. on the development of the Valencia uranium deposit.
(Die Republikein Mar. 24, 2010)
Acquisition of Valencia mine project's owner by DR Congo conglomerate terminated
On Nov. 14, 2008, Forsys Metals Corp announced that George Forrest International Afrique S.P.R.L. (GFI) is to acquire all of the outstanding common shares of Forsys. GFI is a member of the Forrest Group
, a private industrial conglomerate founded in 1922 in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo.
However, on Aug. 25, 2009, Forsys advised that it had terminated that Arrangement Agreement, as GFI has failed to transfer the funds necessary to complete the arrangement.
Access road for Valencia mine may destroy heritage sites
A total of six archaeological sites could be destroyed to make way for a road from the Valencia mine near Usakos to connect with the B2 highway between the capital and Swakopmund.
Uranium producer Forsys Metals Corporation has applied to the National Heritage Council (NHC) of Namibia for a permit to construct another road from the mine to connect with the highway.
It is this reason that prompted the NHC to issue a notice calling on the public to submit written submissions that should be lodged within 14 days on the destruction of the sites.
The closing date is October 28, 2008.
(Namibian October 17, 2008)
Namibia issues Mining Licence for Valencia uranium mine project
On Aug. 21, 2008, Forsys Metals Corp. announced that the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Republic of Namibia, has granted the 25 year Mining Licence No.149 to Valencia Uranium (Pty) Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Forsys, allowing full scale development of the Valencia Uranium mining operation to proceed.
Forsys receives Environmental Clearance for Valencia uranium mine project
On June 4, 2008, Forsys Metals Corp. announced the Company's approval and clearance by the Namibian Ministry of Environment and Tourism on both the Environmental Impact Assessment ("EIA") and the Environmental Management Plan ("EMP").
Forsys issues draft Environmental Impact Assessment for Valencia mine project
> Download draft Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the Valencia Uranium Project, April 2008: Forsys
· Valencia Uranium
· Digby Wells & Associates
Forsys loses appeal over groundwater abstraction permit for Valencia uranium mine project:
A legal challenge to a Canadian-owned mining company's plan to use underground water to set up a uranium mine in the Namib Desert south-west of Usakos is heading back to the High Court after an appeal judgement that was given in the Supreme Court yesterday (May 19).
(Namibian May 20, 2011)
Court upholds water permit for Valencia mine project:
A bid by the owners of an Usakos area farm to prevent the company planning to develop the Valencia uranium mine from using large quantities of groundwater for the construction of the mine failed in the High Court in Windhoek on April 18, 2008.
Judge Collins Parker dismissed an urgent application that Namib Plains Farming and Tourism CC, a close corporation which owns the farm Namib Plains in an arid area some 50 kilometres southwest of Usakos, had filed against Valencia Uranium, Government, the Ministers of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, Mines and Energy and Environment and Tourism, and the owner of farm Valencia two and a half weeks ago.
(Namibian Apr. 21, 2008)
Farmers challenge water permit for Valencia uranium mine in court:
A decision by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry to allow a planned new uranium mine in an arid area southwest of Usakos to use large quantities of underground water is being challenged in the High Court.
The case questioning the Ministry's decision to grant water abstraction permits to Valencia Uranium was filed with the High Court on April 3, 2008.
The case was filed by Namib Plains Farming and Tourism CC, a close corporation that is the owner of farm Namib Plains, which is a portion of farm Namib Plaas and is situated about five kilometres from Valencia.
The CC wants the court to order that Valencia Uranium may not extract groundwater from the area for which it has been given water abstraction permits, and that these permits be reviewed and set aside.
(Namibian Apr. 9, 2008)
Farmers alarmed by water permit for Valencia uranium mine:
Farm owners in the Valencia area in Namibia's central northwest are up in arms over Government granting Forsys Metal's Valencia Uranium project a permit to extract 1,000 cubic metres of water a day.
Although it is not a commercial farming area, there is major concern about the impact Valencia's water extraction would have on the environment and wildlife - especially in an area where ground water is scarce.
The permit can be withdrawn at any time, should the ground water level approach a critical level.
Farmers and other affected parties who have aired their concerns at several public meetings on the subject are now questioning the transparency of the shareholders.
One of their concerns is the fact that the permit is valid from the date of the last meeting held in Swakopmund on February 12, 2008.
At that meeting, it had not yet been disclosed to local people how much water the mine would need.
Pierre Botha of Water Sciences, who undertook the hydro-geological survey, said at the meeting that the water pumps for the mine were not ready and that the issue would again be discussed with local farmers when they were.
The permit was however already valid on the day he made these comments.
Initially, in April 2007, the company was quoted as saying it would require about four cubic metres of water a day during its construction phase.
This amount has gradually increased - later it was said that the mine would need about 300 cubic metres of water a day.
Now it is allowed to pump 1,000 cubic metres a day.
The affected parties say there is no meaningful data to justify this increase in demand.
(The Namibian March 7, 2008)
Valencia uranium mine project receives permit for abstraction of local ground water:
On Feb. 25, 2008, Forsys Metals Corp. announced that the company has received permits for the abstraction of local ground water for the Valencia Uranium Mine from the Namibian Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry - Department of Water Affairs.
The permits allow the company to abstract up to 1,000 cubic meters of water per day. The company is also continuing to work with the Namibia Water Corporation Limited, the Namibia bulk water supplier, in refining the terms and conditions for the long term supply of desalinated water to Valencia.
Mining license application lodged for Valencia uranium mine project
Valencia Uranium has already lodged an application for a mining licence with the Mines and Energy Ministry. A ground breaking ceremony will be held at the end of 2007. Production is expected to commence at the end of 2009, with the first delivery in 2010.
The mine is expected to produce 2.9 million pounds of uranium oxide [1115 t U] per annum over an 11-year lifespan.
(The Namibia Economist Nov. 2, 2007)
Korea Electric Power Co to participate in development of Valencia uranium mine
On Nov. 1, 2007, Forsys Metals Corp announced that it has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Korea Electric Power Corporation ("KEPCO").
Pursuant to the terms of the MOU, Forsys and KEPCO will discuss possible joint venture arrangements for the future exploration and development of Forsys' Namibian uranium properties, including its Valencia Uranium Property.
Forsys to apply for mining license for Valencia uranium mine project
Forsys plans to submit an application for a mining license for its Valencia uranium mine project soon. The company hopes to begin construction in 2008; uranium production could then begin at the end of 2009. At present, the feasibility study is still underway, and the water supply for the mine is still unclear.
(Allgemeine Zeitung Sep. 12, 2007)
Valencia uranium project Scoping Report EA and EMP
The Scoping Report for the Environmental Assessment (EA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of the Valencia uranium mine project is available for download:
> Download Scoping Report EA and EMP - Valencia Uranium Project, July 2007: Forsys Metals Corp.
or Digby Wells & Associates (Pty) Ltd
Forsys plans to mine Valencia deposit in giant open pit mine
Forsys plans to dig an open pit almost the size of the nearby Rössing mine, at ore grades about one third of Rössing's.
Forsys wants to mine 116.8 million tonnes of ore at a grade of 0.119 kg U3O8/t (0.010% U). To get at the ore, 122.4 million tonnes of waste rock have to be removed. The final pit will be 1,400 m long, 700 m wide, and 360 m deep.
> Download Technical Report June 2007: Forsys (6.4M PDF)
· SEDAR (1.8M PDF)
Desalination plant for Valencia uranium mine project required
The proposed Valencia uranium mine will require up to 3 million cubic metres of water per year - an amount the state owned Namwater probably cannot supply. Westport Resources now is conducting investigations for the construction of a desalination plant. The Valencia mine is to be designed as an open pit mine with a depth down to 350 metres and an annual production of 18 million tonnes of ore.
(Allgemeine Zeitung May 3, 2007)
On May 18, 2007, Forsys Metals Corp. announced that it has received a water permit for the desalination plant.
TV crew threatened with legal action for filming at public meeting on Valencia project
Westport Resources Mining Group threatened to sue One Africa Television if it broadcast material of a public meeting (held on April 23, 2007, in Windhoek) on the Valencia uranium mine project. The Media Institute of South Africa (Misa) has expressed concern about the apparent intolerance of media activities by Forsys subsidiary Westport Resources.
(Namibian May 2, 2007)
Preliminary environmental assessment for Valencia mine to be presented at public meetings
The preliminary environmental assessment prepared by Enviro Dynamics
for the proposed Valencia mine is to be presented at the following public meetings:
- 23 April 2007, 18:00: Windhoek Country Club
- 24 April 2007, 18:00: Usakos Hotel
- 25 April 2007, 18:00: Stadthalle in Arandis
- 26 April 2007, 10:00: Atlantic Hotel in Walvis Bay
- 26 April 2007, 18:00: Alte-Brücke-Ressort in Swakopmund
(Allgemeine Zeitung Apr. 13, 2007)
Forsys initiates Pre-Feasibility Study for Valencia uranium project
On Nov. 6, 2006, Forsys Metals Corp. announced acceptance of a Pre-Feasibility Study proposal for the Valencia Uranium Project in western central Namibia offered by Snowden Mining Consultants
of Johannesburg, South Africa.
On May 16, 2007, Forsys announced the receipt of the Pre-Feasibility Study.
Preliminary Environmental Assessment for Mining of Valencia deposit completed
Eco.plan Namibia
("Eco.plan") has completed its Preliminary
Environmental Assessment for Mining report. This study, commissioned by
the Company, had as its main objectives to identify i) whether there are
any potential fatal flaws to mining at Valencia, ii) what environmental
studies would be required prior to and during the life cycle of a mining
operation at Valencia and iii) what environmental monitoring activities
would be necessary. In its report Eco.plan identified those
environmental studies and environmental monitoring that would likely be
required and concluded that "At this stage, there do not appear to be
any environmental fatal flaws in relation to the mining of uranium at
(excerpt from Forsys Metals Corp. release Feb. 8, 2006)