Mailii Su - Nuclear Bomb Legacy in Kyrgysztan
Map showing Kirgistan and Mailii Su (5 kB),
Map showing the locations of the 23 tailings dumps (10 kB),
Picture showing tails dump #3 surface (45 kB),
Picture showing tails dump #3 downhill (44 kB),
Picture showing tails dump #3 and former mill (44 kB),
Picture showing tails dump #5, clay cover (47 kB),
Picture showing tails dump #5, towards dam (33 kB),
Picture showing Mailii Su river downstream #5 (25 kB),
Picture showing Mailii Su river downstream #5 (34 kB),
Picture showing tails dump #5 clay-cover-guardian-snake (57 kB),
Picture showing tails dump #7 cover (37 kB),
Picture showing tails dump #7 from across the river (39 kB),
Picture showing the second former uranium mill (42 kB),
Picture showing tails dump #14, dam in the middle (33 kB),
Picture showing side hill of the tails dam #14 (26 kB),
Picture showing first former uranium mill (37 kB),
© 1997 by Gerhard Schmidt, Heppenheim/Germany
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